Best plants for shrimp tank

When it comes to creating a thriving and visually appealing shrimp tank, choosing the best plants is crucial. Live plants not only enhance the aesthetics of the tank but also play a vital role in maintaining water quality, providing natural food sources, and creating a stimulating environment for the shrimp. In this guide, we will explore some of the best plants for a shrimp tank, considering their compatibility with shrimp species, ease of care, and ability to thrive in aquatic environments. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced aquarist, selecting the right plants will contribute to the overall health and success of your shrimp tank.

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Why are the ideal plants important for a shrimp tank?

The best plants for a shrimp tank are incredibly important for several reasons. First and foremost, they contribute to the overall health and well-being of the shrimp. Live plants provide natural hiding spots and shelter, reducing stress levels in the shrimp and promoting a sense of security. This is especially crucial for shy or sensitive shrimp species.

Additionally, these plants play a vital role in maintaining water quality. They help filter the water by absorbing harmful substances such as nitrates and ammonia, which are byproducts of the shrimp’s waste. By reducing these pollutants, live plants contribute to a cleaner and more stable aquatic environment, creating optimal conditions for the shrimp to thrive.

Moreover, the best plants for a shrimp tank act as a natural food source. They release organic matter and foster the growth of beneficial microorganisms, such as biofilm, that serve as a nutritious diet for the shrimp. This promotes natural grazing behaviors and ensures a varied and balanced diet, contributing to the overall health and vitality of the shrimp.

Lastly, the presence of live plants adds aesthetic value to the shrimp tank. They create a visually pleasing and natural-looking environment, mimicking the shrimp’s natural habitat. This not only enhances the enjoyment for the aquarist but also provides a more enriching and stimulating environment for the shrimp, promoting their natural behaviors and overall well-being.

The types of the best plants for shrimp tanks

Type Description

Mosses, such as Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) and Christmas Moss (Vesicularia montagnei), are popular choices for shrimp tanks. They provide dense coverage, create a natural look, and offer a great hiding place for shrimp. Mosses are also known for their ability to absorb excess nutrients, helping to maintain water quality.

Anubias species, like Anubias barteri and Anubias nana, are hardy plants that can tolerate a wide range of water parameters. They are often attached to rocks or driftwood, making them perfect for aquascaping and creating interesting focal points in the tank. Anubias plants have broad, lush leaves that shrimp can graze on.

Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) is a popular choice for shrimp tanks due to its hardiness and ability to tolerate a wide range of conditions. It has distinctive leaf shapes and can be attached to rocks or driftwood. Java Fern provides shade and cover for shrimp while adding an attractive element to the tank.

Cryptocoryne plants, also known as Crypts, are versatile and come in various species and colors. They are known for their tolerance to different water conditions and provide a natural and lush appearance to the tank. Cryptocoryne species like Cryptocoryne wendtii and Cryptocoryne parva are commonly seen in shrimp tanks.

Floating plants, such as Duckweed (Lemna minor) and Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides), can provide shade and cover for shrimp. They also help to reduce excess light and absorb excess nutrients from the water. Floating plants are great for creating a natural and shaded environment in the upper regions of the tank.

Compatibility with shrimp species

The compatibility with shrimp species, is crucial when choosing plants for a shrimp tank. Different species of shrimp have varying preferences and behaviors, and selecting plants that align with their needs is essential for their well-being.

Some shrimp species, like the popular Red Cherry Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi), prefer densely planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots. They feel more secure and exhibit natural behaviors when there are ample plants to provide cover. Plants with dense foliage, such as Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri) or Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus), are excellent choices for these shrimp species.

On the other hand, certain shrimp species, like Amano Shrimp (Caridina multidentata), prefer open spaces with fewer plants. They are excellent algae eaters and thrive in tanks with moderate plant density. In such cases, plants like Anubias (Anubias barteri) or Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) that can be attached to driftwood or rocks can provide both aesthetic appeal and functional benefits without overwhelming the tank.

It’s important to research the specific preferences and requirements of your shrimp species and choose plants accordingly. This ensures that the plants will create a suitable and comfortable environment for the shrimp, promoting their natural behaviors and overall well-being. By providing the right plant habitat, you can create a harmonious and thriving ecosystem in your shrimp tank.

The importance of water parameters

Different plant species have specific requirements for pH, temperature, and water hardness, and choosing plants that thrive within the existing water conditions of your tank is crucial for their successful growth.


Some plant species, like Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus) and Anubias (Anubias barteri), are known to tolerate a wide range of water parameters. They can adapt to various pH levels, temperature ranges, and water hardness, making them suitable choices for tanks with fluctuating or less-than-ideal water conditions.

On the other hand, certain plant species, such as Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus) or Cryptocoryne species, may require specific water parameters to thrive. They prefer slightly acidic to neutral pH, moderate water hardness, and specific temperature ranges. It’s important to match the water parameters of your tank with the preferred conditions of the plants you choose to ensure their healthy growth and development.

By understanding the water parameters of your shrimp tank and selecting plants that can thrive within those parameters, you create an environment where the plants can flourish and contribute to the overall well-being of your tank. Additionally, maintaining stable water conditions is vital for the health of your shrimp, as they are sensitive to fluctuations in pH, temperature, and water chemistry. Choosing plants that are compatible with your tank’s water parameters helps create a balanced and sustainable ecosystem for both the plants and the shrimp.

The ease of care

Some plants require more attention and specific care requirements. They may need higher lighting levels, nutrient supplementation, or CO2 injection to thrive. These plants often require regular pruning and monitoring of water parameters to ensure their health. While these plants can be rewarding for experienced aquarists who enjoy the challenge and have the time to devote to plant care, they may not be suitable for beginners or those with limited time.

On the other hand, there are many plant species that are known for their ease of care and resilience. These plants can tolerate a wide range of water conditions and lighting intensities, making them more forgiving and low-maintenance. They typically grow slowly, require minimal pruning, and can adapt to various water parameters without much intervention. Examples of such plants include Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri), Anubias (Anubias barteri), and Java Fern (Microsorum pteropus).

Choosing easy-to-care-for plants for your shrimp tank has several advantages. It reduces the time and effort required for plant maintenance, allowing you to focus on other aspects of tank care and enjoyment. Additionally, low-maintenance plants are less likely to cause fluctuations in water parameters or become overgrown, which can be detrimental to the overall balance of the tank and the well-being of the shrimp.

Ultimately, selecting plants that match your level of experience and the time you can dedicate to plant care is crucial. By choosing plants that are known for their ease of care, you can create a beautiful and healthy shrimp tank without the added stress or maintenance burden.

The growth rate

Different plant species have varying growth rates, and understanding this can help you maintain a balanced and visually appealing tank.

Finding a balance between fast-growing and slow-growing plants is important for the overall aesthetics and functionality of the shrimp tank. Combining different plant species with varying growth rates allows for a diverse and visually appealing layout. It also ensures that the plants have enough space and access to light, while preventing any single species from dominating the tank.

Additionally, considering the growth rate of plants is crucial for managing algae growth. Rapidly growing plants can help to inhibit algae by absorbing excess nutrients and shading the tank, thus reducing the opportunity for algae to thrive. Slower-growing plants, while less effective in nutrient absorption, can still contribute to the overall balance of the tank and provide a natural environment for the shrimp.

By understanding the growth rate of plants and carefully selecting a variety of species with different growth rates, you can create a well-balanced and visually pleasing shrimp tank. It allows for proper plant development, prevents overcrowding, and helps to control algae growth, resulting in a healthy and vibrant aquatic ecosystem.

Safety for the shrimps

Some plants may have certain characteristics that can pose a risk to shrimp. For example, plants with sharp or rough leaves, thorns, or barbs can potentially injure or damage the delicate bodies of shrimp. It’s important to avoid such plants to prevent any harm or stress to the shrimp.

In addition to physical safety, the chemical safety of the plants is also crucial. Some plants, when damaged or decaying, can release substances or toxins into the water that may be harmful to shrimp. These substances can affect the water parameters, such as pH or chemical composition, leading to stress or even death of the shrimp.

To ensure the safety of the shrimp, it’s recommended to choose plants that are known to be shrimp-friendly and non-toxic. Plants like Java Moss (Taxiphyllum barbieri), Anubias (Anubias species), or Marimo Moss Balls (Aegagropila linnaei) are generally considered safe for shrimp. These plants have soft and gentle foliage, making them suitable for the shrimp to graze on without the risk of injury. They also don’t release harmful substances that can adversely affect the shrimp’s health.

When introducing new plants to the shrimp tank, it’s advisable to quarantine them first to observe any potential adverse effects on the shrimp. This allows you to ensure that the plants are safe and compatible with the shrimp before adding them to the main tank.

By prioritizing the safety of the shrimp when selecting plants, you can create a conducive and secure environment for their well-being. Providing them with suitable and non-toxic plants ensures that the shrimp can freely explore, graze, and seek shelter without the risk of harm. It contributes to a healthy and thriving shrimp tank ecosystem.

Final Words | Best plants for shrimp tank

In conclusion, choosing the best plants for a shrimp tank is essential for creating a thriving and visually appealing aquatic environment. The right selection of plants can provide numerous benefits to the shrimp and the overall ecosystem of the tank.

The best plants for a shrimp tank offer several key advantages. They provide natural cover and hiding places, which help to reduce stress in shrimp and promote their overall well-being. The plants also contribute to maintaining good water quality by absorbing excess nutrients and aiding in the removal of harmful substances. Additionally, plants enhance the aesthetics of the tank, creating a beautiful and natural habitat for the shrimp.

When buying plants for a shrimp tank, it is important to consider several factors. These include the specific needs and preferences of the shrimp species, compatibility with the tank’s water parameters, ease of care, growth rate, and compatibility with the tank’s substrate and anchoring options. By considering these factors, you can select plants that will thrive in your shrimp tank and provide the desired benefits.

Some popular plant choices for shrimp tanks include mosses, Anubias, Java Fern, Cryptocoryne, floating plants, and stem plants. These plants offer a variety of growth forms, leaf shapes, and colors, allowing for diverse and visually appealing aquascapes.

It is important to note that regular maintenance and monitoring of the plants is necessary to ensure their continued health and growth. Pruning, removing decaying plant matter, and monitoring nutrient levels are essential tasks in maintaining a balanced ecosystem.

Overall, the best plants for a shrimp tank contribute to the well-being and aesthetics of the tank. They provide the shrimp with a natural and secure habitat, support the tank’s ecosystem, and enhance the overall enjoyment of keeping shrimp. By carefully selecting and maintaining the right plants, you can create a vibrant and thriving shrimp tank that will delight both the shrimp and the observer.

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Hey I'm Clara, an animal lover from the Midwest, and became a sought-after expert in pet supplies after working at an animal shelter. Now I'm the lead author and editor of this website concerning Pets, Animals & Farming articles.